
Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity

Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity




Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)

Photo: Prof. Francesca Verones (PI)

Francesca Verones is Professor at the Industrial ecology Programme of NTNU. Her work centers around developing life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models to quantify human impacts on our ecosystems.

Photo: Edgar Hertwich

Edgar Hertwich is International Chair in Industrial Ecology at NTNU and professor at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering. He is a member of the International Resource Panel and the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. His most recent research addressed material efficiency in buildings and cars. Hertwich currently investigates the role of resource efficiency to address the ecological crisis.

Photo: Christian Klöckner

Christian A. Klöckner is a professor in social psychology and quantatitve methods at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He leads the research group for “Citizen, Environment, and Safety” which is focusing on researching individual, social and contextual drivers of environmental decisions (including food, energy, mobility, housing). His personal research interest are modelling of environmentally relevant decisions and behaviour in the social and structural context, innovative environmental communication methods, societal disruption and transition, and psychologiocal trade-offs in sustainability issues. He is engaged in many national and international research projects, coordinating several of them, among them the H2020 projects ECHOES, SMARTEES, and ENCHANT. He is author of more than 100 academic papers.

Photo: Isabel Richter

Isabel Richter is an Associate Professor in Social and Environmental Psychology at NTNU. Her research revolves around the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions for sustainability, especially in the area of plastic pollution, marine conservation and consumerism in Europe as well as in the Global South.

Photo: Martin Dorber

Martin Dorber is a researcher at the Industrial Ecology Programme of NTNU. His key research interests are to understand how anthropogenic pressures are impacting biodiversity and how to quantify these ecosystem quality damages in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models.

Photo: Konstantin Stadler

Konstantin Stadler is the manager and lead researcher of the Industrial Ecology Digital Laboratory at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering (NTNU).

Photo: Ruslan Zhuravchak
Ruslan Zhuravchak is a research software engineer at NTNU, he develops the instruments for data management, interactive analytics and predictive modelling in sustainability research.

Photo: Mari Reitstøen Arnesen

Mari Reitstøen Arnesen is a PhD Candidate (starting 01.06.23) at NTNU (Department of Psychology) under the supervision of Ass. Prof. Isabel Richter. Her research will address how we can reduce the impact of consumer decision making on biodiversity.

Photo: Yeqing Zhang

Yeqing Zhang is a PhD candidate at NTNU (Department of Industrial Ecology), under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Verones. Her research focuses on quantifying biodiversity responses to global food supply chain changes by using the Environmentally extended multiregional input-output modelling (EE MRIO).

Photo: Pınar Kavak Gülbeyaz

Pınar Kavak Gülbeyaz is a PhD candidate at the Department of Industrial Ecology, NTNU, under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Verones. Her research centers on evaluating the effects of human activities on biodiversity and climate change for diverse ecosystems using life cycle impact assessment models.

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Photo: David Leclere

David Leclere is a Senior Research Scholar at the IIASA Integrated Biosphere Futures (IBF) Research Group of the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program (BNR). He contributes to several developments on the GLOBIOM land use model and investigates various topics such as climate change impacts on agriculture, processes of agriculture expansion and intensification, and impacts of anthropogenic land use on the climate, the nutrient cycles and biodiversity. He recently coordinated the 'Bending the Curve Initiative', an international network of about 60 persons and 46 institutions focused on advanced quantitative modeling techniques, and investigating future pathways towards ambitious targets for biodiversity.

Photo: Thomas Schinko

Thomas Schinko is a Senior Research Scholar and the Research Group Leader of the Equity and Justice Research Group in the Population and Just Societies Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). His main research interests are in the areas of comprehensive climate risk management and just transitions.

Photo: Marta Kozicka

Marta Kozicka is a Research Scholar at the IIASA Integrated Biosphere Futures (IBF) Research Group of the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program (BNR). She is an agricultural economist working on trade-offs and synergies between multiple objectives of sustainable development with a focus on diets and food security.

Photo: Christopher Wong

Christopher Wong is a Researcher at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis. His research focuses on the governance of socio-ecological transitions and plural valuation in policy development.

Photo: Christopher Wong

Sibylle Rouet Pollakis is a Research Scholar at IIASA’s Integrated Biosphere futures (IBF) Research Group in the Biodiversity and Natural Resources (BNR) Program. She will be working on the integration of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) principles into the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM).

Radboud University (RU)

Photo: Mark Huijbregts

Mark Huijbregts is a professor in Environmental Science at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). He is an expert on development and evaluation of sustainability indicator systems, methodology development in life cycle impact assessment and life cycle assessment of renewable energy sources.

Photo: Koen Kuipers

Koen Kuipers is a postdoctoral researcher at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). His expertise is in quantifying biodiversity responses to global environmental change corresponding to human activities.

Photo: Hanzhong Zheng

Hanzhong Zheng is a postdoctoral researcher at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). He focuses on the evaluation of environmental impacts related to production and consumption activities by using multiregional input-output modelling.

University of Bonn (UBO)

Photo: Jan Börner

Jan Börner is full Professor for Economics of Sustainable Land Use & Bioeconomy at the University of Bonn (Germany) with applied research experience in Latin America, Africa, and Europe. His current research agenda expands from the evaluation and assessment of environmental policies and programs with a focus on land use change to the role of global trade and consumption patterns in affecting the provision of ecosystem services provision from ecologically sensitive landscapes.

Jochen Dürr is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn. His main research interests are agricultural value chains and their impact on sustainability outcomes.

Photo: Daniel Braun

Daniel Braun is a research associate and doctoral student at the chair of Economics of Sustainable Land Use & Bioeconomy at the University of Bonn (Germany). His research focuses on the societal feasibility of policies and technological solutions

Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN)

Photo: Thomas Kastner

Thomas Kastner is a Senior Scientist at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre. His main research interests are the systemic relations between biomass use, international trade, land system change and biodiversity; the impacts of dietary patterns on land use and ecosystems and the role of land resources in climate-change mitigation.

Photo: Larissa Nowak

Larissa Nowak is a Researcher at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre working on global change impacts on biodiversity and measuring and downscaling targets for biodiversity to different geographies, sectors and actors.


Photo: Liesbeth Zandstra

Liesbeth Zandstra is Science Leader at Unilever Foods Innovation Centre Wageningen and professor Food Reward & Behaviour at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). Her main research focuses on scientific challenges to find new ways to make the healthy and sustainable choice the preferred choice. She is particularly interested in psychophysiological and behavioral effects of foods as well as new methodologies for better understanding sensory perception and consumer behavior.

Photo: Nicole Neufingerl

Nicole Neufingerl works as Sustainable Nutrition Scientist at Unilever Foods Innovation Centre Wageningen. She does research on the nutritional quality of plant-based diets, and investigates how to make plant-based eating more desirable and accessible for everyone.

Photo: Sarah Sim

Sarah Sim is the Environmental Sustainability Programme Director in Unilever’s Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre and Extraordinary Professor Corporate Environmental Sustainability at Radboud University (Netherlands). She is responsible for the development and execution of Unilever’s environmental sustainability science strategy and for application of science to inform business decision-making. Her main research focus is on approaches to assess the environmental impacts of technologies, products and organizations. These include life cycle approaches, predictive and spatial modelling, biodiversity and ecosystem indicators.


Photo: Michal Kulak

Michal Kulak heads the Consumer & Health cluster within the Sustainable Investment Research team of Robeco. He is a member of the biodiversity committee and leads the development of Robeco’s biodiversity investment framework.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

Photo: Ramzy Kahhat

Ramzy Kahhat is a Principal Professor at the Department of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He also serves as Associate Editor of Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Ramzy obtained his PhD and MSE in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Arizona State University. He is a broadly trained civil and environmental engineer applying concepts and methods from Sustainable Engineering, Industrial Ecology, and Earth Systems Engineering and Management. His expertise in these areas have been used in several research studies, such as waste management, agro-industrial, urban and energy systems, urban stocks, and characterization of debris generated by disasters.

Photo: Ian Vazquez Rowe

Dr. Ian Vázquez-Rowe graduated in Biology in 2006 at the University of Texas at Arlington. He then continued his graduate studies in Environmental Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela – USC (2006-2008. In October 2008 he initiated his research career at USC, where he obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering in July 2012. From January 2012 to December 2013, Dr. Vázquez-Rowe has been continuing his research career as an Environmental Evaluation & Management R&D Engineer at Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (now LIST, in Luxembourg). Currently, Dr. Vázquez-Rowe is a Full Professor at the Department of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He has participated in numerous research projects at a European, Spanish, Galician, Luxembourgish and Peruvian level, as well as recent projects with UN Environment. Dr. Vázquez-Rowe has published over 130 articles (h-index= 38 on Scopus) in international journals. Currently, he is also the editor for Ocean Resources and Marine Conservation at the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment and for the Journal of Environmental Management. His main research interests are linked to environmental management, including life cycle methods, their methodological improvement and their combination with other methods. Moreover, fisheries and agriculture, food systems in general and waste and wastewater treatment systems have been the main focus of his research in recent years.

Photo: Alejandro Deville

Alejandro Deville is a PhD student at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He is a civil engineer with a master degree in Engineering for International Development at UCL. His current research focuses on understanding and quantifying different marine-sources of plastic pollution as well as sustainability of fisheries and seafood products.

Photo: Diana Ita

Diana Ita is a doctoral candidate at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She is an environmental engineer with a master's degree in industrial ecology from TU Delft and Leiden University in the Netherlands. Her current research involves the assessment of the environmental impacts of marine waste, including the development of characterization factors to assess the implications on resource depletion and the development of a methodology to quantify the amount of plastics reaching the coasts from land-based sources. Other interests include sustainable waste management, sustainable consumption, material flow analysis, and life cycle assessment.

Photo: Rubén Manrique-Muñante

Rubén Manrique is a first-year Engineering PhD student at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). He received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry and his master’s degree in chemistry from PUCP in 2019, where he was a research assistant and a teaching assistant. During the master’s degree program, he was awarded a scholarship by CONCYTEC (Peruvian government) and PUCP. In 2020, he obtained a diploma in Integrated Management Systems at SGS Academy. Since 2020, he has been a professor at several Peruvian universities (e.g., Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad Privada del Norte, Universidad Científica del Sur). In addition, he has presented a scientific poster about microplastics monitoring in river sediments at the Ibero-American Chemistry Congress 2018 and published a disclosure article about these pollutants in the Revista de Química PUCP. His main areas of research interest are analytical chemistry, environmental monitoring, and life-cycle assessment.

Bonn Research Alliance of innovative Information Systems (Bonn.realis)

Photo: Olumide Abimbola

Hanns-Christoph Eiden is CEO of the Cluster “Bonn Research Alliance of innovative Information Systems in International Quality Food Chain and Crisis Communication” and President of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) in Bonn, Germany (May 2023).

Photo: rafaella

Rafaella Ferraz Ziegert is a research associate and doctoral student at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy at the University of Freiburg (Germany). Her research focuses on assessing sustainability governance interactions and coherence related to forest and ecosystem-risk commodity supply chains and trade regulation, with an emphasis on Brazil and South America. Prior to her current position, she worked in different international contexts with environmental impact assessments, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement in the areas of sustainability, international development cooperation, environmental governance, and climate change.

The Cyprus Institute (CYI)

Photo: Christos Zoumides

Christos Zoumides is a Research Scientist at the Water Department of the Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC). He has been working at the Cyprus Institute since May 2014. Christos holds a PhD in Environmental Management from the Cyprus University of Technology (2014), a MSc (with Distinction) in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh (2008), and a BSc in Economics and Environmental Science from the University of Stirling (2007). Following his academic studies, he has been working in multiple European (RECARE, BEWATER, BINGO, PRIMA-REACT4MED, SELINA) and National funded research projects (AGWATER, INNOMED, 3PRO-TROODOS). He also actively participates in past and ongoing COST actions (EURO-AGRIWAT, SMILES). His research interests focus in bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and societal needs, aiming to advance the understanding of environmental and socio-economic dynamics in semi-arid environments. His work revolves around operationalizing the concept of ecosystem services, alongside the analysis and mapping of costs, benefits and trade-offs of water and land management practices, and climate change adaptation options.

Photo: Olumide Abimbola

Fabio Maria Montagnino is the Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at The Cyprus Institute. Biophysicists, for the last twentyfive years, he’s been promoting socio-economic transformations through open innovation frameworks and knowledge transfer actions. In the last decade, his interest has been focused on system change towards sustainable development, through the holistic combination of creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation. He has been chairing the Task Force on Green Economy and Innovation of the East Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative, and a visiting expert at the Tongji University in Shanghai, under a collaboration with UN-Habitat. He has been involved in more than 30 research and innovation projects and clustering actions, holding the role of coordinator and team leader in many of those. He is member of the Governing Board of EIT Climate KIC association and other representative boards and committees at national and European level.

Photo: Olumide Abimbola

Theodoros Zachariadis is a Professor at the Energy, Environment and Water Research Center and the interim Director of the Science and Technology Driven Policy and Innovation Research Center of the Cyprus Institute. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, a Visiting Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark, a Manager at the European branch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Europe) and an associate editor of the international Journal “Energy Economics”. He is also a member of the Leadership Council of SDSN Cyprus and served as a Board member of Green Budget Europe, a Brussels-based expert platform promoting environmental fiscal reforms. During the last years, he has been listed in the top 2% of academics globally in the field of Energy. His research interests are on the techno-economic analysis of energy, environmental and transport policies, with a special interest in environmental taxation.

Photo: Evi_Panayi

Evridiki (Evi) Panayi is as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Science and Technology Driven Policy and Innovation Research Center (STeDI-RC) of the Cyprus Institute (CyI). She completed her BSc in Public & Business Administration at the University of Cyprus, followed by a MSc in Banking & Finance from the University of Leeds, UK. She further advanced her academic pursuits by obtaining a Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance, also from the University of Leeds. She has extensive research expertise on empirical corporate finance and corporate governance, and particularly on the dynamics of Mergers and Acquisitions, as well as the configurational approach to corporate governance. In her role as a sustainability scientist, she applies a distinctive blend of analytical rigor and strategic insight to the tourism industry of Cyprus, aiming for sustainable transformation and contributing to sectoral policy developments.

Photo: Olumide Abimbola

Natalie is a Senior Innovation Officer at The Cyprus Institute, being responsible of the innovation linkages of the CyI with the different industrial sectors of the Cypriot economy. She holds an MBA from the Cyprus International Institute of Management and a BA in Marketing and Business Administration. She has more than 15 years of experience in senior positions in corporates in the services and consumer goods sectors of Cyprus, managing large diverse teams. She has extensive experience in building and implementing complex processes and systems, creating bespoke manuals and training material, making business and marketing plans and bringing to the market new products and services. She also has experience in establishing compliance with standards and legislations and assisting in Risk Management Processes.

Photo: Florentios Economou

Florentios Economou joint the Science and Technology Driven Policy and Innovation Research Center (STeDI-RC) of the Cyprus Institute (CyI) as Research Assistant in March 2024. He is currently engaged in evaluating the environmental impact of the food chain within the tourism sector of Cyprus, as part of Horizon Europe RAINFOREST project. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology from the Cyprus University of Technology, and a MSc in Environmental Systems Analysis from Wageningen University, specializing in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). His research interests focus on understanding the interactions between societal needs, biodiversity, natural resources and the environment, to address environmental issues through integrated approaches. Since February 2023 he is enrolled as a part-time PhD student in Environmental Engineering at the Open University of Cyprus, examining issues related to Food Loss and Waste, Climate Change, Circular Economy and Sustainable Agriculture.



Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)

Photo: Candy Deck

Candy Deck is a research software engineer working for the Industrial Ecology Digital Laboratory. She is in charge of the maintenance of the website.

Photo: Marion Lebrun

Marion Lebrun is a PhD candidate at NTNU (Department of Industrial Ecology) under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Verones. Her research addresses impacts of food/non-food biomass and trade on biodiversity with expansion of LCIA models.

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Rainforest © 2023

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Founded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Rainforest © 2023
webmaster: Industrial Ecology Digital Lab

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